
Monday, June 15, 2015

I've Got The Answer to How We Will Reclaim Our Children

"The Unified Village Reclaiming Its Children"

I am going to share with you how two very simple yet important and powerful words are the answer to how we will reclaim our children. I am certain that you have heard and used these two words I will share with you. The beauty of my two new favorite words, is that they both each are identified as nouns and verbs. Basically, they are not only classified and associated with characteristics of people and things, but are also actions. I am sure you're saying get to it already! Well, here goes. The two words I am referring to are steward and gift. That's my power couple word combination; steward and gift. 

The word steward is defined as an attendant; officially appointed to supervise, manage and look after something important. A gift is something someone willingly gives without payment. I challenge you to see yourself as a steward and our children as gifts. Therefore, stewards you have been officially appointed to attend to, look after, manage and supervise our gifts. I know the phrase "good steward" is often used. However, I am reluctant to use that phrase. It seems to be repetitive, wouldn't you agree? 

Often times, gifts are devalued of undervalued based on various factors; some being from whom it is given, to whom it is given, from which it originated or the way in which it is packaged or presented. Remember, our children are our gifts; they are our most precious gifts from the Great I Am. It doesn't matter who their parents are, where they live, or how they dress. It has been said if you don't use it, you'll loose it. While I do not speak for God, I do believe that he may not be pleased with our stewardship, or the lack there of, of our gifts. Many of our gifts have been abandoned, miseducated, they lack love, affection, encouragement and development.  As a result, so many of them have been plucked from this earth at immeasurable rates. Could it be that The Giver of the gifts refuse to allow His beautiful creations to be devalued and uncultivated? We will never know who and what so many of our village's youth were to be, possibly as a result of a lack of stewardship. 

As I reflect on the revolution that is occurring right before us, as a result of the recent consecutive police brutality toward unarmed black males in particular, I am convinced that protester's actions will result in the change sought after. I am proud to observe the unification of our people. I struggle though, with what will happen in the after math. What's the plan post-justice? Moving forward will require a plan of development and reclamation. I am charging anyone who reads this to pledge to reinstate the village, reclaim the gifts and reaffirm their trust in us.  

As I sign off, don't forget that you have been called to be #GuardiansoftheGIFTS. 

Peace & Blessing, 

Erika Orkes Williams, Founder & CEO
Guardians of the GIFTS Empowerment Institute

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